Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Using WIDA to Inform Mainstream Instruction

Confused by the WIDA system?  Looking for a real example of how to utilize WIDA's Can Do Descriptors to better meet the needs of your CLD students?  In this video, I sit down with my friend Morganne, a first grade teacher, and help her make an already outstanding lesson on author's purpose more culturally-responsive.

Introducing Metacognition

The simple problem proposed in this video will help students start thinking about their thinking!

Monday, February 16, 2015

Snowpocalypse 2015

Over 12 inches of snow in counting here in Kentucky!  While school may be cancelled, the first snowfall for a newcomer student can definitely be a teachable moment.  Check out these resources from Colorin Colorado.

Sunday, February 8, 2015

Verbs for Language Objectives

For some reason, coming up with the appropriate phrasing for language objectives is so tricky for me!  I find these lists helpful; hopefully, you might, too! 

Other Verbs:


Guarded Vocabulary

Increasing the comprehensibility of input helps ELLs acquire both content and language knowledge more easily.  Teachers who use guarded vocabulary strategies reduce the "linguistic load" of instruction.  Herrera and Murry (2011) suggest the following:

*slow the rate of speech

*emphasize word enunciation

*simplify vocabulary

*be consistent with vocabulary use

*repeat key terms

*simplify syntax and use shorter sentences

*insert more pauses between phrases 

Friday, February 6, 2015

Home Visits

Conducting a home visit is one way to build relationships with families.  Check out this handy guide from Colorin Colorado packed with tips for visiting families in their homes.

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Thinking About Thinking

Cognition-based approaches to second language acquisition like the CALLA method focus on the learner constructing knowledge through authentic experiences.  Being intentional about helping students recognize and utilize metacognitive strategies encourages the deep reflection necessary for self monitoring.  Teaching kids to "think about their thinking" provides them with a toolkit of strategies they can employ in a variety of learning tasks.  In this video, a simple way to introduce the concept of metacognition is presented. 

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

U.S. Departments of Education and Justice Release Joint Guidance to Ensure English Learner Students Have Equal Access to High-Quality Education

A great summary of the federal guidelines school districts are obligated to follow to ensure that ELLs have equal access to a high-quality education and the opportunity to achieve their full academic potential.